1. This organisation shall be called the SOLENT FEDERATION with the headquarters at the Phoenix Public House, Torrington Road, Portsmouth, PO2 0TN. The lofts of all affiliated clubs (the club is the member) MUST be situated within a 45-mile radius of the Phoenix Public House, Torrington Road, Portsmouth, PO2 0TN. Should a member of an affiliated club remove his loft to a place outside the area defined, his or her competitive membership of the SOLENT FEDERATION shall cease.


    2. The committee of management will consist of all officers of the federation plus 1 nominated member per club. Meetings will take place in alternate months.


    40.The Annual General Meeting shall be held before the third Sunday in December to elect officers, and revise rules etc. All items for inclusion must be sent to the Secretary of the Federation at least 28 days prior to the meeting. The Federation Secretary will forward a copy of the agenda to all affiliated clubs at least 6 weeks before the meeting.


    1. The Federation will hold 5 delegate meetings per year:

    Spring – Pre season paperwork distribution

    Autumn – Annual Racing Review. Discussion/Adoption of the principles for the next year’s race programme.



    Post AGM – AOB

    Each club will be represented at the delegates meetings by ONE delegate for each 10 members or part thereof.


    1. Deleted
    2. The working expenses of the Federation shall be defrayed a sum of £58. Clubs shall pay into the Federation for each club member a transporter fee of £20.00 per annum. Clubs shall also pay a fee of £5.00 per club member to the Federation which shall constitute prize money for the season. All fees with names, addresses, telephone numbers, and where available, email addresses must be sent to the federation secretary on or before 1st March each year.


    1. All Federation accounts MUST be settled by affiliated clubs within 14 days of receipt by all clubs. The birds of any club failing to comply with this rule will not be accepted until the said account is settled. Any account outstanding 14 days after its issue shall be increased by £5.00 per week penalty. Federation accounts must be paid by cheque or money order crossed and made payable to the SOLENT FEDERATION. Cash will not be accepted.


    1. The Federation Secretary shall email copies all minutes to every member club, and to all flying members who submit to the secretary their email address.


    1. The honorariums of the Federation Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer shall include household, telephone and travel expenses. The administration budget shall be calculated as an allowance of £40 per flying member and reviewed at the delegates meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting and shall be confirmed at the AGM. Money to be taken out of the current annual subscription.


    1. Election of new clubs applying for membership of the Solent Federation shall be decided at a delegates or committee meeting.


    1. The Federation Secretary shall furnish any information required to a press officer/s elected at the AGM.


    1. A race controller and a cup steward shall be appointed annually.


    1. Any member of an affiliated club flying in more than one affiliated club shall pay Federation fees through each club he or she is a member of, other than transporter payments.
    2. No authorised cheque signatory of the Solent Federation may sign any cheque that is not payable to a payee with the amount payable completed.
    3. PENALTY CLAUSE: Any contraventions of the rules of the Federation may entail disqualification.
    4. All member clubs shall nominate one flying member who shall accept correspondence and results from the federation by email.


    1. Anything not provided for in these rules shall be decided by the Committee whose decision shall be final and binding subject to appeal to the RPRA within 21 days.


    1. All persons travelling in the Federation transporter shall be fully insured including death, injury and medical expenses.


    1. The Federation Secretary shall not be permitted to accompany the pigeons to the liberation sites via the Solent Federation transporter.



    1. Any member club that affords a junior flying member (not to have attained his/her 18th birthday before the first race of the season), reduced club fees, shall be entitled to apply to the management committee of the Solent South Road Federation for the junior member reduced federation fees.


    1. In the event of equality of votes, the chairperson of the meeting shall have the casting vote.


    1. All receipted expenses claimed by any official of the organisation must be authorised by a second official signatory prior to payment.