1 J. Cox Mem Bowl Best vel. final YB race for fanciers up to age 25 years
2 J. Bowers Mem cup Best av Worksop 1 & Wetherby
3 Buckingham cup Worksop 1 winner
4 Buckingham Pts cup Individual points cup.
5 Crowther cup Two bird average Perth
6 Delbridge cup Winner of longest race.
7 Downton cup Old bird average winner
8 Ned Hammond Mem cup Winner of the longest race
9 Roy Harris Mem trophy Best Average Leicester 1 & Wetherby
10 Len Holden Figurine 1st yearling Hexham
11 Kings cup Best average Hexham, Kelso & Perth
12 Lynham trophy 1st Cock bird Perth
13 Lynham trophy 1st Hen bird Perth
14 McCormac cup Wetherby winner
15 Nash cup 1st yearling Perth
16 Pope cup Combined average winner
17 J. Reeves Mem cup Combined average runner up
18 J. Reeves Mem bowl Best average longest OB and YB races
20 Mrs J Solen Mem trophy 1st Hen Wetherby
21 Toomer cup Perth winner
22 Thornton Shield Lowest winning old bird velocity.
23 Thornton cup Young bird average winner.
24 Thornton Shield Young bird average runner up
25 Bill Yates Mem cup Single nom Perth (Mark race entry form with Y)
26 Watmore cup Winner longest young bird race
27 Red Barrel cup Club with highest points ( no claim required )
28 Championship Cup Club with second highest points
Claim Procedure for Trophies
1 Name and Club of Claimant
2 Trophy name and number (see list) being claimed
3 All workings of points or velocities supporting the claim
4 Claims must be signed by the club secretary and dated
The first club in each race will receive a point pro rata for each club competing in the race, the second club, one point less etc. Clubs not competing or disqualified will receive no points. The club with the highest number of points will be the winner and hold the trophy for one year. The runner up club will be awarded the Championship Shield.
50 Diplomas will be issued for each race